S-Series Training

The Standard for Excellence

About S-Series Training

The S-Series Specifications for Integrated Product Support (S-Series) is gathering momentum, globally, as both customers and suppliers look for ways to improve and modernise the way that support solutions are developed.

Navigating and understanding the S-Series is a daunting task, even for seasoned logisticians and support engineers, a task which we have begun for you. 

Delivered and delivered by a team of instructors, vastly experienced in their respective fields, and who contribute to the development of the specifications, our S-Series training provides an ideal start to your journey with the S-Series.

Note: This course is not endorsed by ASD and, as such, is delivered with an independent, agnostic and open point of view.

The Goal

To enable you, and your organisation, to make informed decisions about adoption of the S-Series and, ultimately, to contribute to the successful implementation of those decisions.

What You Will Learn:

  • What the S-Series is

  • What the purpose of the S-Series is

  • What the purpose of each individual specification is

  • What the difference between the S-Series and other major standards is

  • What the value proposition for adopting the S-Series is (either in part or in full)

  • What the potential pitfalls of S-Series adoption are

Types of S-Series Training

We currently offer three levels of S-Series training. 

Introduction to the S-Series

A short, virtual instructor-led class that provides an initial, high-level look at the S-Series, what comprises the suite, what they are intended for and how they work.

Overview of the S-Series

An intensive, virtual instructor-led class that looks, in detail, at each of the S-Series specifications, the purpose, the potential benefits and the potential challenges that might be encountered when implementing them.

This class is recommended for those learners who have a high-degree of logistic/support engineering experience and knowledge.

Comprehensive Overview of the S-Series

An intensive, classroom-based course that looks at the fundamental principles of integrated support, and support analysis, with a detailed review of each of the S-Series specifications, its purpose and how it applies the principles of integrated support. The potential benefits of adoption and potential challenges that might be encountered when implementing each of the S-Series specifications will also be discussed.

This class is recommended for those learners who have at least a moderate-degree of logistic/support engineering experience knowledge.

Benefits of S-Series Training

The major benefit of our S-Series training is that, in line with the goal, it will enable you, and your organisation, to make informed decisions about adoption of the S-Series. 

We’ll achieve this by delivering:

  • A sound foundation in the S-Series on which you can continue to build as your journey with the S-Series progresses
  • Domain-leading experience of instructors who both deliver support solutions and contribute to the writing of the S-Series specifications
  • A truly independent ‘warts and all’ exploration of the S-Series specifications and a good understanding of the pitfalls that must be considered
Who is S-Series for?

Our S-Series overviews are not for novice logisticians/support engineers. They require a certain level of knowledge and/or experience to allow the S-Series to be put into the context in which they belong. 

This course may be of benefit if you work for an organisation who is considering adoption of the S-Series and you are a:

  • Logistician
  • Support manager (Logistic or Product)
  • Supportability professional
  • Support analyst (Logistic or Product)